Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Online Courses

Learn from the best colleges and universities:
Berkeley, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Johns Hopkins, Notre Dame.

Learn languages:
BBC languages, FSI Language Courses

Learn languages through iTunes:
Chinese, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Greek

Other courses:
Wikiversity, BBC Learning.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Open Source applications

pcworld.com has released list of nice open source applications

  • Miro - like Media Player with BitTorrent and more
  • MediaCoder - convert media files between formats
  • Audacity - record or edit audio
  • HandBrake - convert DVD into MPEG-4


For other check: http://www.notablinddate.com/kayakman.html

Thursday, July 19, 2007

How to make money with pay-per-click

Following latest article in Business 2.0 - Working the spread
"Mining inefficiencies in online ad market" by Paul Sloan

How to do that:
  • Create a web site in area you understand (expertise is not required)

  • Find correct keywords to be used

  • Use Microsoft AdCenter to buy ads

  • Use Google AdSense to get cash back

Generating domain name could be simplified with new cool service from bustaname.com.

Follow latest review of free web design and templates in open-source-web-design-toolbox.

But the most difficult task is to find correct keywords. Keycompete.com will help to find competitors buzz keywords. If you don't know your competitors then use Google to find them. Microsoft AdCenter will help to generate keywords as well. Check this link Pay-Per-Click Tips for Attracting Traffic to lover cost by using misspellings.

Google AdWords Traffic Estimator will give you what it will cost to land ad in top position.

Next is optimization, and is not simple. Search for a positive balance will require spending money. It is risky and you should maintain constant attention to this flow.

If you like just blogging and write articles check this link Make Money Online: 100+ Tools and Resources

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Marketing 2.0 with quick quotes

Defining “new” marketing, “old” marketing and “real” marketing…

- Customers participation drives New Marketing
- Customers are in full control of enterprise resources
- In total enterprise has to be transparent to Customers

“You” are not as cool as you think you are

- Most of user-generated content out there is terrible.
- Only some of it is catchy and inspired.

Here are 5 new habits you must “get”

- Do something
- No matter what you do, you can do better
- Get new skills
- Once a year come with really big idea
- Make fewer connection but improve quality

How Small Business Can Use The Internet

- Make a web site with good content
- Make a tip of a week
- At least refer other business to customer and get a commission
- RSS is substitute of a mail, it's allow to syndicate an idea over Internet

Ten reasons small business should not keep a website

- Web site is useless if it is not updated frequently
- Small businesses are good at providing service and not marketing
- Website in simplest form is a pure marketing medium

10 Reasons Small Businesses Should Have a Website

- 24×7 and gives credibility to what you do and you skills
- Get on board of Web (the platform of future) as soon as possible

An interesting look at how marketing has changed

- Bringing the customers to your Web site is trivial
- Getting customers to your Web site a second time is MUCH harder
- Cut marketing budget, invest in product and customer experience

$50 + blender + YouTube = huge marketing success

- power of YouTube and no comments

Friday, July 6, 2007

new blogger

I have found recently a useful article at HowTo Market Your blog in 2007. It gives me good idea about problems for new bloggers. Just a few to discuss:

  1. Get own domain.
    For new blogger it is much easier to start with any available service such as blogger.com. It will help to be use to blog, adjust layot, templates. Then is possible to switch to a custom domain name on blog, for instruction how to do that follow Advanced Use.

  2. Host your own blogging software. Looking ...
    Wordpress 2.2 is available for download. To run WordPress your need hosting with PHP and MySQL.

  3. Content is a king. Writing a blog give you a way to improve a writing skills. But don't forget to read what other bloggers has created. Communicate with other bloggers.

  4. Feel and Look. Find a free wordpress template and customize it to suite your needs. It will help to boost you happiness and willingness to write anything

  5. Enable permalinks. An URL that points to a specific blogging entry even after the entry has passed from the front page into the blog archives. Because a permalink remains unchanged indefinitely, its use avoids link rot. Most of weblogging systems support such links, including Wordpress, Movable Type, LiveJournal, RapidWeaver, Pivot and Blogger

  6. Create keyword rich headlines, create unique title tags. The TITLE tag can be found by viewing the html source of your page, and it looks <TITLE>This is a title tag</TITLE>

  7. Enable trackback and ping functionality, and ensure your blog pings pinging-services.
    It is part of service provided by blogger.com

  8. Publish full feeds. No idea how to do that, except this is probably a feature of blogging software. Next question coming - what is pundits?

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Send output to serial port in VBScript

' How To use VBScript with serial communication.
' Save this as test.vbs file
' Run by double-click

Dim MSComm

Set MSComm = CreateObject("MSCommLib.MSComm")
MSComm.CommPort = 2
MSComm.PortOpen = True

' send text
MSComm.Output = "otput text to send"

'send binary data
MSComm.Output = GetData(4321) & GetData(0) & _
GetData(1234) & GetData(0) & GetData(2345)

Function GetData(w)
Dim LoByte,HiByte
LoByte = w And &HFF
HiByte = (w And &HFF00&) \ &H100
GetData = ChrB(HiByte) & ChrB(LoByte)
End Function

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Cool domain name for sale

Catchy name for sale - www.asp.com for 89.000$.

Deal could be found on moniker.com, and 'Buy Now' price is 125.000 with 15% of service fee. This domain name is on sale since December 13, 2006. Details shows around 800 unique visitors per day.

Site name is acronym for Active Server Page technology from Microsoft. Now Microsoft move forward from ASP to ASP.NET, but still ASP has been used in number of web sites.

Is that price right?