Thursday, July 5, 2007

Send output to serial port in VBScript

' How To use VBScript with serial communication.
' Save this as test.vbs file
' Run by double-click

Dim MSComm

Set MSComm = CreateObject("MSCommLib.MSComm")
MSComm.CommPort = 2
MSComm.PortOpen = True

' send text
MSComm.Output = "otput text to send"

'send binary data
MSComm.Output = GetData(4321) & GetData(0) & _
GetData(1234) & GetData(0) & GetData(2345)

Function GetData(w)
Dim LoByte,HiByte
LoByte = w And &HFF
HiByte = (w And &HFF00&) \ &H100
GetData = ChrB(HiByte) & ChrB(LoByte)
End Function

1 comment:

James said...

Hi, do you need to install anything like MSCOMM32.OCX to do run this script? because i tried to download this and put it at windows/System folder but it still give me error and say that I was unable to open and run the vbscript file