Saturday, October 27, 2007

How to improve the focus for a goal

It is very difficult to work constantly on same topic, even if you like what you are doing. You loose your focus over time. This happens most often for a developer in a multitasking environment; where you need to take care of lot of things to succeed.

The best way to trick yourself is to use a mind game. Treat every successful action as goal you score in an imaginary game. High results at the end of the day can be considered as a good accomplishment showing your victory. This will help you to increase attention to details, and help to stay focus in same way as a game player is doing during a game.

If done well it will help you focus for a lot longer. At the end of the day you count successful moves as a positive and moves you failed to do as negative. You then add them up, if the sum if positive then you win, if negative then you lose.

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